AKA: Gilbert Plugs, Vampire Plugs, SPT Plugs
Price Match Guarantee
If you
believe that another vendor has a lower price, add your items to your cart on
the other site, select shipping options and take a
screen shot of your web browser and email to info@ZipPlugsREMOVE.com. (Just remove the word REMOVE before clicking send.) We will mail you back a discount code for your order. Your new price will be the competitor’s price minus 5%.
Competitor must have items in stock to price
match. Your cart from the vendor
must be the identical to your order from ZipPlugs.com.
For example, if you order 100 male plugs from
company X, you must order 100 male plugs from ZipPlugs.com—an order of 50
male and 50 female is not the same order.
If our Friends and Family
price is lower than the competitor’s price, place your order as a cash
customer and we will apply the 5% discount to their price for a cash order